Sailing lesson for beginners

Sailing lesson for beginners

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Every Thursday From 17th October

Enjoy a morning at sea on a sailing boat. Join a group sailing initiation class with a professional instructor.

End the day with a cocktail at the Real Club Marítimo de Sotogrande. 

Before heading out to the water: (Brief explanation)

  1. Safety: Brief explanation of safety measures on board.
  2. Weather: Information about the day’s weather conditions.
  3. Engine: Introduction to using the boat’s engine.
  4. Parts of the boat: Basic knowledge of the main parts of the boat.

Heading out to sea:

  1. Undocking maneuver: Procedure for safely leaving the dock.
  2. Ready to set sail: Final preparations before departure.
  3. Leaving the port and wind basics: Basic concepts on how wind affects navigation.
  4. Hoisting and setting the sails: Techniques for hoisting and adjusting the sails.
  5. Courses and tacking/jibing: Basic maneuvers for changing course.
  6. Stowing the sails and returning to port: Procedure for stowing the sails and returning to the port.

Snack after sailing:

  • At the Club’s restaurant, share the experience with everyone.

Recommendations for the activity:

  • Comfortable clothing (shorts, swimwear, etc.) and white-soled shoes or sports shoes.
  • Essential: sunscreen and a hat.
  • For those who have never sailed and are unsure if they will get seasick, it is recommended to take biodramine with caffeine two hours before the activity.

Price: €70 For information and reservations, contact

*Exclusive to Owners Benefit Program & La Reserva Club Members

Maximum capacity 6 pax

To register for this event please visit the following URL:


Date And Time

17-10-2024 - 11:00

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